
סגור את תיבת החיפוש


סגור את תיבת החיפוש



The Tali Grapes brand is associated with the table grapes of Moshav Lachish. However, some additional fruits and vegetables are also sold under this brand. Overall, 25 thousand tons of Tali Grapes Brand agricultural produce are annually marketed.


Tali Grapes is the brand name of the agricultural produce of Moshav Lachish, founded in 1955. The Moshav is home to 66 active agricultural farms that are incorporated into an agricultural cooperative (founded in 1966) in order to market the grapes of the cooperative members directly to marketing chains in Israel and abroad. The agricultural cooperative provides marketing services, concentrated purchase, agricultural instruction, and support for growth and development. However, there is no central role in the management of each farm – every agricultural unit is private business.

Tali Grapes provides a wide array of marketing services and production support to its growers. The organization’s main emphasis is naturally given to its table grapes, marketed under the famous and most recognized fruit brand name in Israel – Tali Grapes.


 In addition to growing and marketing the common Israeli varieties, Tali Grapes is also a Licensed Marketer for the Sun World and SNFL table grapes varieties, bringing its annual production volume to approximately 20,000 metric tons of table grapes.


In addition to the traditional strains such as Thompson, Superior and Early Sweet, Moshav Lachish uniquely raises, and markets through Tali Grapes, strains which are raised nowhere else in Israel, including “Sable”, “Timpson”, “Autumn Crisp” and “Scarlota”.

 All in all Tali Grapes markets 30 grape strains, some unique to the brand. Each strain has its own unique color, shape, taste and maturation period. What they all have in common is a refreshing sweetness, and usually seedless, which will leave you with a craving for more


Tali grapes prides itself on meeting and exceeding the most meticulous quality control and operational standards, including GLOBAL GAP and ISO 9001 certifications. Each load of grapes arriving at Tali Grapes marketing center undergoes a thorough, and anonymous examination procedure for parameters such as grape sweetness, average seed diameter, uniform and lawless packing, and so forth.

 Each load is graded, and only those meeting Tali Grapes exacting standards are marketed. Farmer whose grapes are highly graded receive higher financial compensation for their produce, hence incentivizing them to value quality over quantity.


To be a vintner is to live the work of the land, to rise with the dawn, to breathe the cool morning air, to be filled with energy from the buds in spring, to rejoice every time we descend to the vineyard, and to be excited anew each year by the sweetness of the first grape!


The parents immigrated from America out of Zionist ideals, came to be farmers, to grasp the land! They tried one moshav and also a kibbutz, and eventually settled in Lachish. The beginning was very tough, but today he blesses their perseverance


As both exporter and grower, we are well-aware of the customer’s needs and maintain direct communication with our clients. This enables us to meet the highest standards and quality expectations required top-quality clients worldwide; thus, achieving the highest level of client satisfaction possible.

If you are a buyer at one of the supermarket chains in European or Asia, you may find our agriculture produce relevant to import.

Don’t miss the opportunity, complete the form below and we shall send you a prompt reply.


Tali’s Grapes are here at your service. 

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